Terms of Use & Privacy Policy SE.R.I. S.p.A., as Data Controller, shall give information to the person concerned on the processing of their personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 (henceforth the Privacy Code). The processed personal data (e.g. fiscal and personal data, information about financial instruments, registration to restricted areas of ​​the site) will be exclusively used for functional purposes to the fulfillment of regulatory obligations, imposed by Italian law, decrees, regulations and / or other acts equivalent to them, as well as Community law. The provision of personal data for this purpose is compulsory. The personal data are processed with automated and non-automated instruments, only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been gathered. Specific security measures are observed to prevent loss of data, illegal or incorrect uses and unauthorized access. The data, in relation to the aforementioned purposes, may also be communicated to the competent authorities for legal obligations. All data will be subject to disclosure in accordance with the regulations. Furthermore, the data will be known by employees and third parties expressly appointed by the holder, by persons in charge of processing. The person concerned, has the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the said data and to know their content and origin, check their exactness or request additions or updates, or rectification under the terms of Art. 7 of the Privacy Code, addressing an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. For any communication, please write by e-mail at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or - by recorded delivery - to SE.RI SpA, San Potito Sannitico, Via Provinciale, snc, 81016 - CE.

Use of cookies on websites www.seriplastsrl.it and www.seriplastsrl.com

This information disclosure note describes "what are cookies" and which types of cookies are used by SERISPA on its Web sites. The domains www.seriplastsrl.it, www.seriplastsrl.com and internet domains of the subsidiaries use cookies to improve their Web sites and to provide services and features to users. It is possible to limit or disable the use of cookies through your Web browser. However, in this case, some of the websites functionalities may become inaccessible. What types of cookies are used on www.seriplastsrl.it and www.seriplastsrl.com Web sites? Strictly necessary cookies: these cookies are essential to conclude a transaction or to finalize a user-initiated request. For example, they are useful to remember the information provided by the user while browsing the site in order to send or to trace a package, and to manage the state of access during the session. Functional cookies: these cookies allow the website to remember the choices made by the user in order to optimize the functionality. For example, the functional cookies allow the website to remember the settings specific to a user, such as the selection of the country and, if set, the status of permanent access. Furthermore, they show the priority of shipments, tracked packages and other custom features. Analytical cookies: these cookies are used to collect data on the use of the Web site by the user, including the elements on which you click while browsing, in order to improve the performance and design of the site itself. Those data may be shared with our third-party providers of analytical tools. However, they are used only for purposes related to our websites.


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