SERI PLAST is an innovative and flexible company that deals with the production of thermoplastic compounds mainly based on polypropylene and polyethylene (recovered from industrial scraps and virgin raw materials) and the distribution of its products on Italian market and worldwide. Highly specialized in this field, in the early 2000s, SERI PLAST developed a polypropylene compound, now approved by the major worldwide battery manufacturers, specially designed for the production of boxes and lids for starter and traction batteries. The attention to details, the constant focus on the different phases of our process, as well as the innovative technology of production and raw materials management, have marked the growth of SERI PLAST making it one of the leading European producers of polypropylene used for battery boxes and lids. The long and strict cooperation with battery manufacturers and automotive sector customers (FIAT, BMW and VW) has pushed SERI PLAST to inaugurate, in 2011, a specific division dedicated to the production of polypropylene compounds for the automotive industry, and to expand its products range with different types of modified polypropylene compounds- Large production capacity, flexibility, competencies and know-how are the solid foundation on which SERI PLAST leans the relationship with its customers. SERI PLAST strategy is to provide "tailor made compounds" according to customer needs, is able to modify and create "ad hoc" plastic materials, in order to meet all kinds of needs whilst ensuring the best quality / price ratio.